3-5 Apr 2024 Saint Pierre d’Oléron (France)



The annual meeting of the GT MFS is organised by the Working Group (GT) "Formal Methods for Security" (MFS) of the GDR Sécurité Informatique. Its goal is to allow everyone in the formal methods community interested in applications to security to meet and discuss around these subjects. The meeting welcomes presentations by researchers, including PhD students, and practitioners.

In 2024, the meeting will take place from April 3 to 5 (arrival on April 2 and departure on April 6 are possible) at La Vieille Perrotine, and is organised by Lesly-Ann Daniel (KU Leuven) and Adrien Koutsos (Inria Paris).

The list of presentations is out!

Important Dates

  • 15/01/2024: Submission Deadline
  • 22/01/2024 (23h59 Paris Time): Extended Submission Deadline
  • 05/02/2024: Notifications
  • 23/02/2024: Registration Deadline
  • 03-05/04/2024: Event


Registration are now closed (it was here until 23/02/2024).
You can edit your information after registration if needed: link.

Registration fees are 500€ for permanent researchers and 350€ for non-permanent researchers (PhD students, post-docs, etc.).

Registration includes accommodation and all meals from Tuesday evening (April 2) to Saturday morning (April 6).

It also includes an organized bus transfer: La Rochelle from/to La Vieille Perrotine (details in Location).

If you wish to pay by "bon de commande", please contact the event organisers at gtmfs2024@sciencesconf.org so that we forward you the necessary document.

Call for contributions

Submissions are closed.
We welcomed presentations related to recent work at the intersection of formal methods and security. This includes work in progress, unpublished work, or recently published results. We particularly welcome young researchers (PhD students, postdocs, ATER, etc.) to submit an abstract and present their work.

The submission format was an "extended abstract" of approximately one page, in PDF format. The event does not have proceedings and abstracts will not be published.

Tool Session

A tool session will provide room for informal discussions about the various tools developed in the community. To participate and present your tool, please send an email to gtmfs2024@sciencesconf.org, preferably before 05/02/24.

Invited Speakers

Social Event

On Thursday afternoon, there will be visit of Château d'Oléron and a guided tour of its Citadelle. The most courageous of us may reach Château d'Oléron from the seminar center by bike (available from the seminar center).

Program Commitee


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